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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New DC animated movie: Son of Batman

Deanpool loves the DC animated movies. Justice League: War is about to release in a couple weeks, but now Deanpool just heard about a new one, Son of Batman. Check out the trailer here. How appropriate with all the hype around the 75th anniversary of Batman. And how lucky of Deanpool to be dedicating this month to "Robin" posts.
Set to release Feb. 4.
Currently, there is a miniseries that you can find in comic stores today titled Damian: Son of Batman. It's unclear at the moment how many similarities the comics and the movie will have in common, but Deanpool will probably be collecting that 4-part miniseries soon after hearing about this movie. From the trailer, we see that the story will actually be based off Grant Morrison's graphic novel, Batman and Son. Again, probably another novel that Deanpool will be looking for in anticipation of this movie. Seeing Bruce meet the son he never knew he had, and having that son be raised by the League of Assassins, made for a good story in comics. It should definitely translate in an animated movie too.

The trailer also shows the main villain will be Deathstroke as he attempts to take over Ra's al Ghul's operations and the League of Assassins. Deathstroke as a villain! Deanpool loves it! Those who watched Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox got a little taste of Deathstroke in an animated movie, but now we'll get to see him as a full-on antagonist. The trailer showed a lot of Deathstroke action, and even a confrontation between Damian and Deathstroke, but Deanpool is hoping for a Batman and Deathstroke showdown like the one in popular video game Arkham Origins. Also, from the article posted in the link, there will be Man-Bat appearance as well, interesting choice for another villain for this movie. Long-time Batman readers who have read the Damian stories through comics must be pleased with the snobby, bratty attitude that Damian shows in the trailer. Should be fun seeing a Robin (that can't possibly be a spoiler can it, you had to know Bruce Wayne's own son would eventually be a Robin. And it's in the trailer anyways, so too bad) talk back to Batman with no regret whatsoever. And perhaps one of the only people on Earth who could do so. Damian is fairly popular character in the Batman universe as he brings a grit and emotional rage that defines his character and goes beyond his pre-teen age and appearance. Don't expect him to just be a brat that's meant to appeal to younger audiences. He will be out to showcase that he is Batman's son and a rightful Robin. And with how his recent comic issues have been going... this movie will be refreshing for Damian's character. Deanpool can't wait. Is Bruce Wayne ready to be father? He better figure out fast. Where will Damian's loyalties lie? He was raised by his mother and grandfather, Talia and Ra's al Ghul (one of Batman's biggest villains), but is now finally meeting his father. Yup, Bruce Wayne knocked up the daughter of one of his biggest enemies. But hey, remember they hooked up in the Dark Knight Rises, too. Can Bruce contain his violent, disobedient son, or will Damian end up like a previous sidekick who had a history of violence, Jason Todd? And let's be real, did Ra's al Ghul really die or should we expect a surprise rise from the dead via Lazarus Pit? Nevertheless, this has potential to be a great movie for the fans.
Batman vs. Deathstroke
#Com-Economics: Damian-related comics are likely to go up if this movie is well received by fans.

Next week, Deanpool will continue with the Robin posts and Damian is next in line (Tim Drake will make his appearance later this week). So expect a lengthy background to compliment the tie-ins to this trailer.

The movie is set to release in late Spring (would be better if they release it closer to Father's Day don't you think?). DC animated movies have been on the up-swing as of late, especially the Batman-related ones: Under the Red Hood, The Dark Knight Rises Part I and Part II, even Year One isn't bad (Deanpool has heard mixed criticisms on this one). Deanpool doesn't expect any less from this one.
Damian: Son of an assassin and the Dark Knight. What a combo.


  1. I really enjoy these animated movies!!! I am excited for this one too.

    Angela's Anxious Life

  2. I'm intrigued by this one. I read Batman and Son and didn't think to much of it, but this one looks like it will be a significant departure from the source material, no to me that's a good thing

    1. Interesting, I never thought much about the Batman and Son novel as far as reading it, but I will likely read it sometime soon to get an idea of what to expect. Hoping for a good movie nonetheless.
